Hancock County (Georgia) Cemeteries

Cemetery details

Linton Stephens original gravesite

Grave has been removed.

From the Hancock County Courthouse, go west on Hwy 22 for one block. Turn left and go approximately 3 blocks on Rabun / Maiden Lane to 400 Rabun St. The gravesite was originally in this yard.

GPS coordinates: 33 16' 12.3" N 82 58' 43.3" W
or in degrees only form: 33.27008° N X 82.97869° W
See location on a Google map in a new window (NOTE:The map opens in a new window. The cemetery will be at the location indicated by a red marker.)

GMD: 113
Cemetery Status: Inactive
Predominant race: White

Original interment at this location in Sparta, Ga., where, at his request, he wanted to be buried in Hancock County soil; reinterment with a cup of Hancock soil in 1914 at Liberty Hall Cemetery, Crawfordville, Ga.

Indexer or Contributor: Wendell and Janice Smith

Number of persons found: 1
Linton Stephens
1823 - Jul 14, 1872
d. Sparta. Half b/o Alexander H. Stephens. Grave was removed in 1914 to Crawfordville, Ga, and no grave or cemetery remains here. All info is from other sources.
Government Service.
Military Service: Confederate States of America
Served Ga Legislature (1840s and 50s),
Ga. Supreme Ct Justice (1859-1860), per
Manhattanville College Stephens website.
Grave 1