More Information on Richard P. Sasnett
Richard P. Sasnett
Inscription and Notes:
b. Hancock Co., Ga.
Richard P. Sasnett
Sacred to the memory of Richard P. Sasnett, who was born in Hancock
Co., Georgia Jan.12, 1813 and died May 23, 1851.
He received from nature a vigorous and a generous mind, which by cultivation
he enriched and refined; As a citizen he was active and enterprising, occupying
from earliest manhood a position of high respectability and usefulness. In all
his domestic relations he uniformly exhibited amiability and warmth of affection
that gave his association a peculiar charm and secured in him the unfailing
love of his family.
In 1842 he embraced the Religion of his Christ and became a member of the M.E. Church. As a Class Leader, Sunday School Superintendent, and other relations, he sought to be useful and lay up treasure in Heaven. His death was triumphant and glorious illustrating not only the reality of the Christian religion, but its power to give victory over death. Though leaving a wife and five interesting children, he was resigned and happy, gloriously affirming with his dying breath the confidence of his hope of Heaven.
Green be the turf above thee, friend of my earlier days.