Recent Death Search

The recent deaths in this database start in March, 2003, and include Baldwin, Hancock, Jones, Washington, and Wilkinson Counties. These people are generally not listed in the cemetery websites because they died after the cemeteries were surveyed. Please note that this is not a complete list but is based on obituaries in local newspapers. You may also want to check out (Williams Funeral Home, Milledgeville), (Moore's Funeral Home, Milledgeville), (Slater's Funeral Home, Milledgeville), (Peoples' Funeral Home, Milledgeville), (May & Smith Funeral Home, Sandersville).

Enter first or last names (you may enter one or the other or both)

Enter one or no names per textbox.

Enter full or partial first or middle name
(such as Ann, to retrieve Ann, Anne, Susanna, Roxanne):

Enter full last name or maiden name, or the first few letters of the last or maiden name
(such as Bec, to retrieve Beck, Beckum, Beckcom):

Compliments of Friends of Baldwin County Cemeteries