Baldwin County (Georgia) Cemeteries

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active -- indicates that the status of the cemetery is ongoing and burials are still occurring

b. -- born

bn. -- battalion

b/o -- brother of

c/o -- child of

ca. -- circa or approximately

CSA -- Confederate States of America

cutoff -- indicates that the indexing of graves in this cemetery does not include graves with death dates beyond 1950

d. -- died

d/o -- daughter of

f/o -- father of

G.M.D. -- Georgia Militia District. This number appears on maps of Baldwin County and indicates a general area of the county when looking for cemetery locations.

h/o -- husband of

inactive -- indicates that burials are no longer occurring in the cemetery

Insc. -- inscription, or what is actually written on the grave marker

m/o -- mother of

per A/D -- per or according to the 1938 Andrews Directory, compiled and written by Louis H. Andrews (1866-1944), with the assistance of Sally Cantey Whitaker Allen (1865-1942). This directory is a limited production, self-copied book containing the first major indexing of the cemetery. It is presumed that much of the information contained in the book was provided to its authors through first-hand experience or family members. Copies of this book may be found in the City of Milledgeville's City Engineer's Office, the Mary Vinson Library of Milledgeville, and the Baldwin County Courthouse. Most of the information from this book has since been updated, corrected and republished in Susan J. Harrington, Hugh T. Harrington, and Floride Moore Gardner's Historic Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1804-1997, Boyd Publishing, Milledgeville, GA, 1998.

per Cook's Hist -- according to Mrs. Anna Maria Green Cook's History of Baldwin County Georgia, printed and republished by Boyd Publishing Company and Mary Vinson Memorial Library, Milledgeville, GA, and The Reprint Company, Spartanburg, SC, 1992.

per HMHC -- Historic Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1804-1997, by Susan J. Harrington, Hugh T. Harrington, and Floride Moore Gardner, Boyd Publishing, Milledgeville, GA, 1998.

per RCSG -- per or according to Lillian Henderson's Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia 1861-1865 (6 volumes). Hapeville, GA: Longina & Porter, 1959-1964.

per TT -- according to Tombstone Records of Baldwin Co., Georgia, Exclusive of Milledgeville, compiled by Mrs. George H. Tunnell (chairman) and Mrs. Guy Wells (regent), as part of a project by the Nancy Hart Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Milledgeville, 1939.

per Ss/Map -- according to the May 5, 1933, map of M. and J.M. Simmons, who diagrammed and documented the William Moran Cemetery

per <person's name> -- per or according to a person who participated in this current indexing project. The person providing information is usually a family member.

slab -- a rectangular piece of cement, granite, or marble that is in the shape of the grave and lies over the grave indicating the approximate shape and size of the grave

s/o -- son of

unmarked -- designates that the grave has no indication, as of the printing of this book, of who is buried there

vault -- a raised grave or structure over a grave

w/o -- wife of

WWI -- World War I

WWII -- World War II