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Ansel Brewster Cook
Inscription and Notes:
Government Service.
Mayor of Fitzgerald
Newspaper Item concerning Ansel B. Cook
(Probably from Fitzgerald newspaper, but unreadable)
Ansel B. Cook, once mayor of Fitzgerald, a banker and active citizen for many years, died at the hospital in Milledgeville Sunday of coronary sclerosis (hardening of the main artery to the heart). He had been ill for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook have lived in Milledgeville for many years following their residence here. They built the home at 516 South Lee street now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Daniel.
The first street paving in Fitzgerald was accomplished during Mr. Cook's term as mayor. He was active in all progressive measures.
Mrs. Cook and two sisters are his survivors. The funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church.
Of the alderman who served with Mr. Cook, only two are living, J. H. Mayes and C. A. Miller. Passed on are W. G. Broadhurst, L. L. Griner, J. D. McLaughlin, W. R. Paulk, J. L. Pittman, C. A. Fretwell and A. B. Fletcher.
His attorneys were Elkins and Wall; city clerk was W. G. Brown, and treasurer, G. P. Mingledorfff, who have also passed on.
Second Newspaper Item
... Mr. Cook, who marked his 70th anniversary on Christmas Day, died early Sunday morning in a local hospital. He had been ill for about two weeks.
He was the son of the late Samuel Austin Cook and the late Anna Maria Greene Cook, and was a native of Baldwin County. His maternal grandfather was one of the earlier superintendents of the Milledgeville State Hospital.
Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Gussie Flemister and two sisters, Mrs. Addie C. Prctor (sic) and Miss Callie I. Cook, all of this city.