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George D. Case, MD
Inscription and Notes:
b. Syracuse, NY, h/o Sarah Woolworth Case, per family records and obit of son
Government Service.
Mayor of Milledgeville
Obituary: Union and Recorder, Jan. 9, 1877 -- page 3
Dr. George D. Case, the oldest physician in the city, died at his residence, on Thursday morning last, after an illness of only four days. His funeral took place on Friday after-noon, Rev. G. T. Geotchius officiating. He was buried with Masonic honors, W. M. Adolph Joseph, reading the impressive burial service at the grave. He was one of the oldest and most active members of the fraternity in this place, and occupied a warm place in the affection of the brotherhood.
As a physician he stood high. At the time of his death he was, (as he had been for many years) Dean of the Board of Physicians of the State of Georgia. He began the practice of medicine in this city when quite a young man, devoting his life to the active duties of his profession in our midst. Many families are greatly distressed at the loss of their physician, and our whole community mourns the loss of an intelligent and honorable citizen. He had been Mayor of the city. Judge of the Inferior Court, and enjoyed many other manifestations of the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens; and always evinced a lively interest in the welfare of his town and county. -- He was a man of energy and industry, firm In his convictions, correct, systematic, and upright in his business relations, and commanded the respect of all who knew him. He leaves a void fn our community not easily filled.
Family Notes: Dr. George Daniel Case, MD – born January 4, 1810 at Syracuse, NY and died January 4, 1877 Dr. Case was educated in Albany, NY and moved to Georgia in 1836 to practice medicine. At the outbreak of the War Between the States, he was too old to serve in the field. He served in hospitals for wounded soldiers and also served at the Georgia State Sanitarium. He was twice Mayor of Milledgeville, an ardent Mason, and a member of the Masonic Board of Trustees. He was a contemporary of Dr. Green, Dr. Tomlinson Fort, Dr. S.Y. White and Dr. W. H. Hall. He and his wife had six children, four little girls who died in early infancy and two sons, George Daniel Case and Charles Lane Case. [Note extra grave #1 found in lot in 2012, suggesting there may have been another child before the others.]