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Martha Low Fort
Inscription and Notes:
w/o Dr. Tomlinson Fort
Martha Fort
Augusta Chronicle June 22, 1883
Departed this life Thursday, June 14, at her residence in Macon,
Ga., Mrs. Martha Low Fort, nee Fannin, after a lingering illness, in the 80th
year of her age. The subject of this sketch, long a resident of Macon, was a
remarkable woman and true type of Southern character and manners, in the olden
times and palmy days of the republic.
From an interesting family record, which might indeed be considered an autobiography
of the deceased, the writer was permitted to gather the following incidents
to the life and career of this excellent lady.
Mrs. Fort, was born on the 8th of January, 1804, in Putnam county, Georgia,
about fifteen miles from Eatonton, the county site. It is a curious fact that
her father, Joseph D. Fannin, one of the earliest settlers of Putnam, imported
the first mule ever brought to the county, and also introduced the now famous
Bermuda grass from a few roots obtained in Augusta and transported in his saddle
On October 28, 1824, Miss Fannin was united in marriage with Dr. Tomlinsom Fort,
at Madison, Ga., and resided forty years with her husband at Milledgeville.
The house they occupied is still standing and is now used as a parsonage by
the Methodists. It is located on the corner of Greene and Liberty streets. [The
house has since been moved to the corner of Franklin and Liberty Streets (webmaster's
note, 2003).] Dr. Fort was for many years a prominent figure in Georgia politics,
and as the energetic editor of the Federal Union newspaper, the received organ
of the Democratic party, was a power in the State.
Two years after their marriage, in 1826, her husband having been elected to
the Congress of the United States, Mrs. Fort accompanied him to Washington.
They traveled in their own carriage as railroads and steamboats were then fast
locked in the womb of time. At the national Capital Mrs. Fort at once took rank
among the leaders of society, and became the familiar acquaintance and associate
of the illustrious personages of the time. Among her visiting friends were Edward
Everett and wife, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster. Her description
of the brilliant eyes and the noble bearing of the great Carolina Senator is
worthy of mention The subject of this sketch graphically describes the inauguration
of President Andrew Jackson and his grand appearance on horseback in the long
procession which marched up Pennsylvania avenue. Returning from Washington to
Georgia after the adjournment of Congress, again was the journey accomplished
by private conveyance and slow stages, with necessary intervals of rest. Six
weeks were used upon the road ere they beheld the turrets of the old capital
and were again domiciled in their Milledgeville home.
When Georgia succeeded and the whole country was ablaze with enthusiasm, true
to the memory of her loved husband who had deceased in 1859, and was ever known
as the consistent enemy of "nullification" and a staunch friend of
the Union, she refused to illuminate her dwelling, forecasting the deluge of
blood in the future, and the inevitable catastrophe which had its consummation
at Appomattox Court House. Like the lamented Stephens, however, and many other
patriots, when the die was cast and the State severed by its own act from the
Federal union, she threw her whole soul into the Confederate struggle, and diligently
wrought with her own hands for the illy provided soldiers of the "Lost
Mrs. Fort sent three of her sons (all who were able to bear arms) to the Southern
camps, and right gallantly did they ever demean themselves in the "thickest
of the fray". She, herself was the president of the Baldwin County "Relief
Association", one of the first institutions of the kind in the South, and
labored with tireless energy for the support and comfort of our suffering braves.
It is related that no less than 100 pairs of socks were knitted by her own hands
for the barefooted warriors of the Confederacy. [It is written elsewhere that
Martha Low Fort organized the Ladies Aid Society during the War Between the
States. The ladies made clothing as well as 3000 "buck and ball" cartridges
per day in support of the war effort.]
In 1863, by the death of her daughter, Mrs. Julia Hugenin, of Macon, her children,
five in number and of tender years, were bequeathed to her, together with the
stately mansion on Jefferson Street, then occupied by the deceased. Mrs. Fort
cheerfully accepted the trust, and removing immediately to this city, entered
at once upon the grave responsibilities devolved upon her. How faithfully she
performed her duty to the stricken orphans-in her old age virtually rearing
another young family-they can grateful answer for themselves. Never was a woman
more honored and beloved by her descendants to the third generation.
At the funeral, which was conducted in Milledgeville by her pastor, Rev. Joseph
Key, D.D., a goodly number of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
were present. Gently and bedewed with tears did they consign the remains of
their honored ancestor to its kindred dust, by the side of the husband who had
shared with here the largest portion of the joys and vicissitudes of a long
and eventful existence. Ever happy and harmonious in life, their union is now
Mrs. Fort was the devoted mother of thirteen children, four of who died in infancy.
Three passed away in mature years, viz.: Miss Susan E. Fort, aged twenty-three;
George W. Fort, aged forty, and Mrs. Julia E. Huguenin, relict of Colonel E.D.
Huguenin, who died at the age of thirty-eight. The survivors, six in number,
occupy useful positions in society and their names are as follows: Mrs. Judge
R. J. Morgan, of Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Julius L. Brown, of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. H.
O. Milton, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Kate H. Fort, of Macon, Ga. Tomlinson
Fort, Esq., of Chattanooga, Tenn. Captain John P. Fort of this city. The children
of Mrs. Julia E. Huguenin, who were reared by their grandmother, are also well
known in this community. Their names are Edward D. Huguenin, Esq., Mrs J. Marsh
Johnston, Miss J. Dora Huguenin and Mrs. B.M. Tarver.
The venerable lady of who we write was possessed of many sterling and salient
traits of character. Prominent among these was her unswerving integrity in all
the relations of life. The open-handed hospitality of Mrs. Fort was proverbial.
Of her, too, it has been said that no beggar was ever turned away from her door.
Thus did her years pass away to extreme old age in the midst of a numerous family
circle, of which she was the central figure, beloved and revered by every member.
At length the "silver cord" was "loosed, the "pitcher broken
at the fountain" and all that was mortal of this noble woman lay cold in
death. But the immortal spirit has winged its flight to that "better land"
where the righteous receive their reward and the weary are at rest.
Mrs. Fort was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and her funeral obsequies
were appropriately celebrated in Milledgeville, where she now sleeps the "sleep
that knows no waking" by the side of her beloved husband.